Thank you for your interest in our properties on Palm Island in Dubai.
We have the best selection in Dubai of both re-sale and rental properties on the Palm Islands. As Palm Island specialists we have all the latest news and can offer the most comprehensive customer service to anyone thinking of buying.
We are a one stop shop. If what you require is not listed on our website then simply tell us what you are looking for and if it is available we will be able to find one for you at the most competitive price in Dubai.
Please fill in this form to let us know your details so that we can help you find what you need.
Gilly and Clive Geisler

Fill in your contact details below and select what type of properties you want to buy, sell or rent. I can also provide other property related services.
Note that all items with a star are required *
Please don't fill in the form with all capital letters but simply as you would expect to have it written if we mail you a letter.
You are under no obligation if you fill in this form and the information will not be shared with any other companies other then for services you select below.
Which properties are you interested in searching for a home? (hold the Ctrl key down on your keyboard to make multiple selections)
How Many Bedrooms are you looking for? (hold the Ctrl key down on your keyboard to make multiple selections)
email me a list of available re-sale properties.
email me a list of available rental properties.
I would like you to contact me about availability and to answer some questions
Other Services that we offer.
Select the box if you want further information on any of the following services.
I want you to help me to sell my property.
I want you to help me to rent my property.
I want you to manage my property for me.
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